Feb 16, 2025  
2022-2023 General Catalog Archived 
2022-2023 General Catalog Archived [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Financial Aid

The College makes every effort within the available financial aid resources to assist students to obtain a college education. Financial assistance may be available to a student in the form of federal and state grants, scholarships, federal work-study, and federal student loans.

All students seeking financial assistance must begin the application process by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, (FAFSA) (opens in new window). Davidson-Davie Community College’s federal school code is 002919 and must be listed on the FAFSA for Davidson-Davie to receive student application information.

Financial aid is available only for courses required in a student’s program(s) of study. Courses taken outside a student’s program of study are not eligible for financial aid and students must fund them at their own expense. Financial aid is not available for audited courses. The student should consult with their academic advisor to assist with appropriate course selection.

To be eligible, a student must have a high school diploma from an accredited school or state-approved home school or an institution authorized to issue a recognized high school equivalency credential (such as a GED®), and be enrolled in an eligible college program. Financial aid is available for students enrolled in less than full-time (12 credits) with amounts pro-rated based on enrollment status.

In order for students to continue receiving financial aid, they must complete a FAFSA annually and maintain satisfactory academic progress.


College provides the opportunity for all students to apply for certain types of financial aid programs. The College administers scholarship opportunities for their students. The College administers the financial aid programs and scholarship opportunities in accordance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations. Requirements and critical dates for receiving financial aid (and/or scholarships through the College’s Foundation) are outlined on the College’s website.

Adopted: April 12, 2020

High School Transcripts & Financial Aid Policy

In order to receive federal and state financial aid, students are required to have first earned a high school diploma or its recognized equivalent. When a high school diploma is issued based only on a test and/or payment of fees, the college may have reason to believe the credential may not be the recognized equivalent of a North Carolina High School Diploma. The college will not award federal or state financial aid to students who have been issued a high school diploma based only on a test and/or payment.

In accordance with federal student aid policy, one resource the college may consider in making a determination on the validity of a high school diploma is the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction or department of education in the state in which the high school is located. The college is also permitted to consult with other colleges when checking for the established validity of high school diplomas.

Students who have completed a GED® or its recognized equivalent, an Adult High School Equivalency Diploma or homeschooling at the secondary level as defined by state law are qualified to receive federal or state student aid.

These standards do not apply to college admission and placement policies. Students may be required to provide official proof of completion of a high school diploma or its recognized equivalent before eligibility for financial aid is confirmed.

Federal Aid Programs

Pell Grant

The Federal Pell Grant is awarded to students who have financial need as determined by the FAFSA, and have not earned a bachelor’s degree. Federal Pell Grants do not have to be repaid; however, students may have to pay back part or all of the Federal Pell Grant if they withdraw from school before finishing the semester. Federal Pell Grant lifetime eligibility is limited to 12 semesters or the equivalent.

Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant

The Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG) is awarded to students who have demonstrated exceptional financial need as determined by the FAFSA, and who have not earned a bachelor’s degree. The SEOG does not have to be repaid; however, students may have to pay back part or all of the SEOG if they withdraw from school before finishing a semester. Students are encouraged to complete the FAFSA early, as SEOG funds are very limited and awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.


The Federal Work-Study program provides part-time campus employment for students with financial need to help with educational expenses. Priority in selection for work-study is first given based on need and enrollment levels above half-time. Most students are able to work 10-15 hours per week outside of scheduled class time. Students are paid monthly, based on the number of hours worked the preceding month. The allocation of work-study funds is limited to availability of position, completion of financial aid eligibility, and individual student financial need. The Career Development staff will assist interested students with the federal work-study application process.

Student Loans

The Federal Direct Student Loan Program provides loans to help students pay for educational costs not covered by other financial resources. The amount students may borrow each year is based upon the number of credits they have earned and their dependency status as determined by the FAFSA. Students must be enrolled in six credit hours (half-time) or more to be eligible for Federal Direct Student Loans. Repayment of all Federal Direct Student Loans is deferred until six months after a student graduates or drops below half-time enrollment.

Direct Subsidized Loans are awarded to students with demonstrated financial need as determined by the FAFSA. Students are not responsible for the interest that accrues on subsidized loans while they are enrolled at least half-time, for six months after graduation, and during authorized deferment periods.

Direct Unsubsidized Loans are awarded to students regardless of financial need. Interest on unsubsidized loans begins to accrue immediately once the loans funds have been disbursed to the college. Students have the option of paying the interest as it accrues or deferring interest payments until after they graduate or drop below half-time enrollment. Any deferred interest will be capitalized against the loan principle upon entering repayment. 

Davidson-Davie Community College determines the maximum amount a student may borrow based upon their financial need as determined by the FAFSA, student classification, and cost of attendance. Loans are federal funds that must be repaid by the student-borrower regardless of program completion.

North Carolina State Aid Programs

North Carolina Community College Grant

The North Carolina Community College Grant is designed to assist students who (1) qualify as bona fide residents of North Carolina for tuition purposes, (2) enroll in a minimum of six semester hours of credit in fall and spring semesters at a North Carolina Community College, and (3) demonstrate financial need based as determined by the FAFSA. North Carolina Community College Grants do not have to be repaid; however, students may have to pay back part or all of the North Carolina Community College grant if they withdraw from school before finishing a semester. 

North Carolina Education Lottery Scholarship

The North Carolina Education Lottery Scholarship is designed to assist students who (1) qualify as bona fide residents of North Carolina for tuition purposes, (2) enroll in a minimum of six hours of credit in fall and spring semesters at a North Carolina Community College, and (3) demonstrate financial need based as determined by the FAFSA. North Carolina Education Lottery Scholarships do not have to be repaid; however, students may have to pay back part or all of the North Carolina Education Lottery Scholarship if they withdraw from school before finishing a semester.


The Davidson-Davie Community College Foundation, Inc., provides scholarships to students through the generosity of local industries, businesses, professional organizations, civic clubs, and private individuals. The scholarship program consists of merit-based scholarships and need-based scholarships. Merit-based scholarships are awarded as a result of a student’s academic performance, while need-based scholarships are awarded based upon the results of a student’s FAFSA.  Some scholarships may also have additional criteria beyond merit or need-based requirements. Scholarships are typically awarded for one academic year beginning with the fall semester, with preference given to second-year students. Students must complete the FAFSA each year in order to be considered for a scholarship. The Office of Financial Aid and the College’s website provide scholarship information, application forms (opens in new window) and deadlines. Scholarships do not have to be repaid.

Disbursement of Aid

Students receiving financial aid will receive an email directing them to StormTrac to view their award letter, which lists the types and amounts of aid awarded for the academic year.  Students may use financial aid funds to charge books and supplies in the college bookstore.  Tuition, fees, and book charges will be paid automatically, after verification of attendance, for students receiving financial aid.  Unused financial aid funds will be refunded directly to the student. 

Special Circumstances

The College recognizes the FAFSA does not always accurately reflect a student and their family’s financial or personal circumstances.  Loss of income, atypical medical expenses, divorce, and loss of parent or spouse are just some of situations students may encounter over the course of their academic career. Fortunately, the Office of Financial Aid does have the ability to adjust a student’s FAFSA to more accurately reflect their current situation. 

Any student who finds it difficult to continue their education due to such circumstances may submit a completed “Request for Professional Judgment” along with the required supporting documentation. The Office of Financial Aid will verify the current FAFSA data and determine if professional judgment is appropriate. The decision of the Office of Financial Aid is final.

Any student who finds it difficult to provide parent information due to personal circumstances may submit a “Request for Dependency Override” along with the required supporting third party documentation.  The Office of Financial Aid will review all documents and determine the appropriate action as an office.  The decision of the Office of Financial Aid is final.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

Federal regulations require the College to establish minimum standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for students receiving federal student aid. Students receiving federal aid are expected to achieve satisfactory grades and progress toward the completion of their program in a reasonable period of time and within a reasonable number of credit hours. It is the responsibility of students to be aware of their Satisfactory Academic Progress status for financial aid eligibility. Progress will be reviewed at the end of each term of enrollment.  SAP standards are based upon a student’s GPA (qualitative), the number credits completed vs. credits attempted (quantitative), and require students to complete their academic program within a specified timeframe.

SAP Requirements

  • Qualitative standard: Students must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0
  • Quantitative standard: Students must successfully complete 67% of the cumulative credit hours attempted
    • Hours attempted are measured at the 10% (census date) of the term
    • Successful completion means the student receives a passing final grade on the Davidson-Davie transcript
    • For example: if the student attempts 12 credit hours during a term, the student must successfully complete 9 credit hours or more to meet the 67% standard (12 hours attempted x 67% = 8 hours)
  • Time Limit Standard: Students may not exceed 150% of the Maximum Time Frame for their program of study. The maximum time frame is measured in credit hours. For example, a degree requires 64 credit hours for completion; 150% of 64 is 96 (1.5 x 64), therefore the 150% time limit for the program is 96 attempted credit hours.
    • When the 150% maximum time frame has been reached or it has been determined that the credits needed to complete the program will exceed the 150% limit, financial aid will cease even if the student is meeting other SAP standards
    • Dual program students may reach Maximum Time Frame (150%) limits prematurely due to Colleague SAP calculations including all attempted credits on the transcript. Students may require secondary review to determine continued Financial Aid SAP eligibility.
  • A maximum of 30 credit hours of Precurricular classes may be attempted and counted toward enrollment for financial aid purposes. After attempting 30 hours, no further federal or state aid may be paid for those courses.
    • Qualitative SAP evaluation is required for Precurricular classes. At Davidson-Davie grading for these courses does not calculate into the student’s cumulative GPA. Most are graded on a Pass/Repeat format. SAP for these courses is determined by using the 67% completion measure as a benchmark to confirm progress.

SAP Factors

  • Audits - Audited courses may not be counted towards the total number of hours of enrollment for a term as no credit will be earned.
  • Credit by Exam - Credit awarded based upon an institutionally administered exam is not counted in the total number of hours of enrollment and therefore no aid is awarded.
  • Incompletes - Incompletes (I) will not affect a student’s GPA in the SAP review because it is temporary and will be replaced with a final grade. SAP will be evaluated on the final grade during the next term’s review.
  • Precurriculum (Developmental) Courses - Precurriculum courses (courses numbered less than 100) are allowed and calculated in a student’s enrollment status for students needing skill-building course work. A maximum of 30 credit hours of precurriculum work is allowed and these hours are considered in SAP calculations. After the maximum has been met, no further federal or state aid may be disbursed for precurriculum hours.
  • Repeats - Federal rules allow a one-time repeat of a previously passed course. Courses not previously passed may be repeated by students within the college’s course repeat policy and overall SAP conditions. When a course is repeated the most recent final grade will be used to determine the assigned grade for GPA purposes. The previous hours attempted will be still counted as hours attempted when reviewing SAP completion rate and maximum time frame.
  • Summer Courses - Summer Session grades and hours attempted and earned will be included in the calculation of SAP as for any other term.
  • Transfer Credits - Hours accepted from other institutions and evaluated in the student’s current program are included in the calculation of the completion rate and maximum time frame. Transfer hours count both as hours attempted and hours completed.
  • Withdrawals - Withdrawals (W) Withdrawal-Failing (WF) and Withdrawal-Passing (WP) adversely affect a student’s SAP by reducing the number of hours successfully completed and may result in a recalculation of a student’s award for the term.

Evaluation and SAP Statuses

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) is evaluated at the end of each term after final grades have been posted with the Records Office. Students are notified of their status via their Davidson-Davie email account.

  • Satisfactory - Students in their first term at Davidson-Davie or those who have attended and meet or exceed the SAP requirements are considered in satisfactory status for financial aid purposes.
  • Financial Aid Warning - The first term a student fails to meet SAP, the student will be notified that he or she has been placed on financial aid warning for the next academic term. The student may continue to receive financial aid during the warning term, but must improve GPA and/or completion rate to prevent progressing to financial aid probation.
  • Financial Aid Suspension - The second or subsequent term a student does not meet SAP, the student will be notified that financial aid has been suspended.
  • Probation on Appeal - The status granted to allow a student with extenuating circumstances the opportunity to improve SAP over time with specified conditions. This includes traditional SAP Probation for GPA and/or Completion Rate improvements
  • Ineligible - When a student previously granted a SAP Appeal fails to meet required conditions for continued eligibility.

Appeal Procedure

Students may appeal the Suspension of Aid if extenuating circumstances prevented them from meeting one or more of the SAP requirements. Appeals should be submitted within 30 days of notification of their SAP status.

  •  Appeals should be submitted using the online “SAP Appeal Form”; a materially complete appeal must also be accompanied by a statement and any supporting documentation.
  • The appeal must detail the extenuating circumstances which prevented the student from meeting the academic progress requirements; situations include, but are not limited to:
    • The death of an immediate family member or close relative
    • A serious injury or illness (physical or mental) that required medical intervention
    • Significant, unanticipated family obligations due to medical issue or illness
    • An involuntary call to active military duty
    • An unsafe or abusive environment
    • Any undue hardship that prohibits the successful completion of coursework
  • Students must provide supporting documentation of their circumstances
  • Completed appeals will be reviewed within 15 business days of receipt and students notified of the results via their Davidson-Davie email account, however, incomplete appeals may delay a decision.
  • Students awaiting review are responsible for any enrollment charges. Financial aid will not be available, nor students’ school charges held.
  • Successful appeals will result in the students being granted the status of Probation for a specified number of terms
    • Students granted Probation (unless otherwise documented) must earn a minimum term-based GPA of 2.50 and complete 100% of hours attempted.
    • Students meeting Probation standards will be granted continued Probation status for the remaining terms with the continuation of the conditions listed above with the requirement to achieve the cumulative SAP standard by the final term of Probation.
    • Students who regain cumulative SAP standards before their final term of Probation may be returned to Satisfactory SAP status. Students unsuccessful in meeting Probation standards will become ineligible for financial aid.
  • If a student’s appeal is denied, notification will be sent to the student via their Davidson-Davie email.  A denial of their appeal will result in the student being no longer eligible to receive financial aid. Students not satisfied with the result may appeal the decision following the process outlined in the College’s General Complaint Policy, beginning with Step 2.

Reinstatement of Financial Aid

Students who have become ineligible for financial aid after not successfully completing their SAP Probationary period may submit an appeal requesting reinstatement of financial aid.

  • Appeals for reinstatement of financial aid may be submitted by submitting the SAP Reinstatement Appeal Form available at the Office of Financial Aid website
  • The appeal must detail the extenuating circumstances which prevented the student from not meeting the conditions of their SAP Probationary period 
  • Reinstatement requests will be reviewed within 15 business days of receipt and students notified of the results via their Davidson-Davie email account.
  • Students awaiting a decision are responsible for any enrollment charges. Financial aid will not be available, nor students’ school charges held during this time.
  • Reinstatement of SAP eligibility does not imply that additional funds have or will be provided; only that the student has SAP eligibility for available funds within annual and lifetime limits.

Withdrawal & Return of Federal & State Funds Policy for Financial Aid Students

Financial aid funds are provided to a student with the expectation that the student will complete the entire enrollment period.  If a student withdraws from all courses in an academic term, federal and state financial aid regulations may require a portion of financial aid funds received by the student be returned. In some circumstances, students would be required to return these funds directly to either the College or the U.S. Department of Education. 

  • Students receiving federal financial aid who find it necessary to withdraw from all classes in the current academic term may see some or all of their federal financial aid returned to the U.S. Department of Education. 
  • Students receiving state financial aid who find it necessary to withdraw from all classes prior to completing 35% of the academic term will have their state awards recalculated as appropriate. 
    • Students are responsible for initiating a single course withdrawal with their faculty who will submit the Drop Form online to officially withdraw from a class. Students will confirm the class to be dropped.
    • Students are responsible for initiating a full withdrawal by speaking with their academic advisor who will submit the “Full Semester Withdrawal” online to officially withdraw from all classes. Students will confirm the withdrawal and the academic advisor will notify the faculty of the student’s full withdrawal.
    • Students must contact the Office of Financial Aid to determine the full impact of the total withdrawal on their current award(s) and ability to meet satisfactory academic progress (SAP) requirements.
  • If, in the recalculation, the student has earned federal financial aid funds for the current term that have not yet been disbursed, a Post-withdrawal Disbursement of Federal Financial Aid will be processed and applied to the student’s account.
  • Recalculation of financial aid may result in overpayment and the need to return funds to the appropriate federal and/or state program(s) such as direct loans, Pell and other federal and state scholarships and grants. 
    • When an overpayment has been calculated, the student must repay any unearned portion of the award to the College. The College will return the funds to the appropriate federal and/or state programs.
    • Unearned aid is returned to federal and state programs in the following order (unless the student did not receive aid from that source): Unsubsidized Direct Loans, Subsidized Direct Loans, PLUS Loans, Pell Grant, SEOG, other federal grant programs and, when applicable, the North Carolina Community College Grant, and the North Carolina Education Lottery Scholarship.
  • The amount of federal aid to be returned equals the lesser of unearned institutional charges or unearned federal aid. 
    • The earned portion of federal financial aid is determined by dividing the number of days completed by the student by the total days in the term. This determines the percentage of the term completed and the percentage of aid earned by the student.
    • The unearned portion of financial aid will be 100% minus the percent earned.
    • Unearned aid shall be returned first by the College from the student’s account.
    • If the total amount of unearned aid is greater than the amount returned by the College from the student’s account, the student owes an overpayment to Davidson-Davie.
    • The student will be responsible for any portion of institutional charges outstanding after financial aid funds are returned and will be billed accordingly.
    • Notification will be sent to the student’s Davidson-Davie email to notify them of the calculation. Students must check their StormTrac account for the exact amount of the return owed to Davidson-Davie if applicable.
    • If the student fails to repay their portion of the refund to the College within 45 days the debt will be reported to the U.S. Department of Education as an overpayment and federal aid eligibility will be lost until satisfactory arrangements are made to pay the debt.

Veteran’s Educational Services

The College is approved by the North Carolina State Approving Agency to certify the enrollment of veterans, reservists, and eligible dependents with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs under the following programs:

Chapter 30 - Montgomery GI Bill® Active Duty
Chapter 31 - Vocational Readiness and Employment (VR&E)
Chapter 33 - Post 9/11 GI Bill® and Fry Scholarship
Chapter 35 - Survivors’ and Dependents’ Education Assistance (DEA)
Chapter 1606 - Montgomery GI Bill® Selected Reserve

Students are encouraged to apply for benefits as early as possible through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (opens in new window) website. They should also contact the College’s Veterans Affairs Representative in Enrollment Services, located on the first floor of the B.E. Mendenhall Jr. Building on the Davidson Campus. 

Students may also visit the GI Bill® (opens in new window) website or call the VA directly at 1-888-GIBILL1 for the most current information on VA education benefits.

Document Requirements

Title 38 of the United States Code: Veterans’ Benefits, CFR 21.4253 (d)(3) and CFR 21.4254 (c)(4), and the College’s program approval with the North Carolina State Approving Agency requires the College to obtain an official high school transcript or its equivalent, and official college transcripts from all previously attended institutions before enrollment is certified with the Veterans Administration.

Other required documents may include but are not limited to: DD214, Davidson-Davie VA Contract, and/or other documents that verify status.

Course Load for Veterans, Dependents and Reservists

To receive the full educational benefits from the Department of Veteran Affairs, a student must be enrolled at least full-time (12 or more credits) each Fall/Spring semester. Students enrolled for half or three-quarters of the full-time requirement are eligible for prorated benefits. Students enrolled less than half-time are compensated for in-state tuition and fees only. Students receiving Post 9/11 (Chapter 33) educational benefits must be enrolled in at least 7 or more credits to get their full entitlement. For more information regarding educational benefits funds (BAH), go to www.gibill.va.gov.

Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act Program

This program sponsors students who are preparing themselves for a job or career in Davidson County’s local labor market. Financial assistance may be provided for skills training to include degree, diploma, and certificate programs, as well as occupational related training offered through the Workforce and Continuing Education Division.

  • Financial assistance is evaluated by an employment counselor through the student’s county of residence. The applicant must meet economic and employment guidelines.
  • An applicants’ ability to be successful in selected curriculum is evaluated.
  • Students must attend full-time as defined by the curriculum.
  • Students must maintain a minimum “C” or 2.0 GPA.

How to Apply

Applicants must apply through Davidson Works or the JobLink Career Centers, participating partners in the JobLink Career Center systems in Davidson and Davie counties. Locations are:

Lexington Office:
Davidson Works
555A West Center Street Extension
Lexington, NC  27295 

Thomasville Office:
NCWorks Career Center
211 West Colonial Drive
Thomasville, NC  27360

Mocksville Office:
JobLink Career Center
375 Hospital Street, Suite 101
Mocksville, NC  27028 