The College’s Associate in Arts and Associate in Science provide transfer options for students whose ultimate goal is to pursue a baccalaureate degree at senior institutions.
The Associate in Arts and Associate in Science courses are among those included in the comprehensive articulation agreement (CAA) between the University of North Carolina and its 16 institutions and the North Carolina Community College System. Those courses are also included in the North Carolina Independent Comprehensive Articulation Agreement between independent colleges and the N.C. Community College System. Students pursuing the A.A. or A.S. should consult the catalog of the institution to which they plan to transfer to guide them in selecting courses for transfer.
In the Associate in Arts (A.A.) and Associate in Science (A.S.) degree programs, the student may choose a course of study equivalent to the first two years of the four-year college or university. By completing 60 - 64 semester hours of prescribed credit work with an average grade of “C” or better, the student qualifies for an associate degree and should then be able to transfer to a senior institution with junior year status. The College provides centralized, professional advising to guide students in planning programs for transfer to the senior college or university. Students planning to transfer should consult the catalog of the institution to which they plan to transfer.
Both the Associate in Arts program and the Associate in Science program consist of courses in the following major areas: English, social science, foreign language, humanities, mathematics, natural science, and physical education, as well as electives. Students who need preparation for college-level work are provided pre-curriculum education to help them be successful in their program of study. All first time in college students with an unweighted high school GPA less than 3.0 are required to complete a student success course in their first semester.