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2021-2022 General Catalog Archived 
2021-2022 General Catalog Archived [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Report on NCCCS Performance Measures for Student Success

Davidson-Davie Community College

Summary Report on 2020 Performance Measures for Student Success

Measure NCCCS Baseline 


NCCCS 2018-19 College Average

Davidson-Davie # Attempts  Davidson-Davie # Successful  Davidson-Davie % Successful
(2018-19 Reporting Year Data)

1. Basic Skills Student Progress (2018-19)

  • The number of Basic Skills Periods of Participation with a Measurable Skill Gain (MSG)
24.2% 50.6%  45.1%  1,237  688 55.6% (Met Goal)

2.  Student Success Rate in College-Level English Courses

  • The percentage of first-time Fall 2016 associalte degre seeking and transfer pathways students passing a credit English course with a “C” or better within their first three academic years (through Summer 2019)
40.1% 66.6% 60.6%  778 508  65.3% (Above College Average)

3.  Student Success Rate in College-Level Math Courses

  • The percentage of first-time Fall 2016 associate degree seeking and transfer pathways students passing a credit math course with a “C” or better within their first three academic years (through Summer 2019)
19.5%  46.2% 42.7% 778 396 50.9% (Met Goal)

4. First Year Progression (Fall 2018 Cohort)  

  • The percentage of first-time Fall 2018 credential-seeking and dual enrollment (Career & College Promise) students who graduate prior to or are enrolled in postsecondary education during the subsequent fall term (Fall 2019)
56.6% 71.9% 70.3% 991 734 74.1% (Met Goal) 

5. Curriculum Completion (Fall 2014 Cohort)

  • The percentage of first-time Fall 2015 credential-seeking and dual enrollment (Career & College Promise) students who graduate from any NCCCS institution, transfer to any National Student Clearinghouse institution, or are still enrolled at any NCCCS institution with at least 42 non-developmental hours before the end of the 4th Summer term (Summer 2019) at any NCCCS institution.
34.1% 52.7% 53.4% 840 528 62.9% (Met Goal) 

Results by Category:  

  • Graduated - Transferred to a 4-year college/university  
         100 11.9%
  • Graduated - Did not transfer to a 4-year college/univ.
        234 27.9%
  • Transferred to a 4-year college or university. (Did not graduate before transferring.)
        177 21.1%
  • Persisted (Retained, did not graduate, but successfully completed at least 42 non-developmental credit  hours)
        17 2.0%

6. Licensure and Certification Passing Rate (2018-19)

  • The weighted index score of first-time test taker results on licensure and certification exams based on the tier associated with the related instructional program. Exams included in this measure are state mandated exams which candidates must pass before practicing  
0.79 1.07 0.98 635 474 1.07 (Above College Average)

7. College Transfer Performance (2017-18 CC Students)

  • The percentage of Associate Degree graduates and those who have completed 30 or more articulated transfer credit hours who subsequently transfer during Fall 2018 to any 4-year college or university in the National Student Clearinghouse and either graduate with a bachelor’s degree or higher before the next fall semester or remain enrolled in any 4-year college or university as of the next fall semester (Fall 2019)
74.4% 89.4% 85.4% 283 238 84.1% (Below College Average)

Results by Category:

  • Associate Degree Completers 
      167 142 85.0%
  • Completed 30 or more credit hours 
      116 96 82.8%

Summary Report on 2020 Performance Measures for Student Success