Feb 16, 2025  
2024-25 General Catalog 
2024-25 General Catalog

General Student Policies and Procedures

Davidson-Davie Community College is committed to helping students reach their full academic potential and to preparing them for success in their careers and further academic pursuits. The College has adopted policies that are intended to help students achieve their educational goals. Each student is expected to make satisfactory progress toward reaching those goals.

Policies and Procedures Update

Davidson-Davie continues to review existing policies and procedures.  Throughout this process, faculty, staff, and our Board of Trustees are working together to ensure the college’s policies and procedures align to state and federal law, state board code, and are revised or newly developed to guide our work and ensure the success of the students we serve.  Go to the Davidson-Davie Policies and Procedures Web Page (opens in new window) for more information on these policies.

Student Policies and Procedures

The links below each open in a new page.

Learning Competencies

Learning competencies are embedded in each associate degree program at the College. Each competency is equally important for the success of our graduates as they pursue careers and further study.

  • Communicate effectively.
  • Think critically.
  • Demonstrate information literacy.
  • Demonstrate interdependence.

Students Enrolling in External Instruction

Davidson-Davie Community College offers a number of courses defined as “external instruction” for regularly enrolled students to meet program requirements. “External instruction” is defined as instruction received at a site or sites to which a student is sent by the College to participate in instructional activities. Within the scope of “external instruction” is practical training, which includes cooperative education courses, internships, directed practice, and clinical practicums. External instruction also includes hybrid and online instruction as well as traditional face-to-face experiences. The purpose of external instruction is to provide students practical occupational experience as an integral part of their formal education and to provide students with alternative means of scheduling educational experiences.

Academic Honors

Dean’s List

For the purpose of honoring the student for outstanding scholastic achievement, the College publishes a Dean’s List shortly after the end of each fall and spring semester. A student who has completed at least twelve semester hours of college-level course credit in a given semester and who has achieved a grade point average of at least 3.50 on all work attempted with no grade lower than a “C” in that same semester are placed on the Dean’s List. Students with an “Incomplete” grade in a given semester are not eligible for the Dean’s List.

Phi Theta Kappa

Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) is a national scholastic fraternity holding the same status in the community college that Phi Beta Kappa carries in senior colleges and universities. To be eligible for membership, a student must

  1. be enrolled unconditionally in an Associate in Arts, Associate in Science, Associate in General Education, or Associate in Applied Science degree program;
  2. have successfully completed a minimum of 12 semester hours by the end of the fall semester;
  3. have attained a 3.6 or higher cumulative grade point average; and
  4. possess outstanding traits of character and citizenship.

Students meeting these requirements are notified of their selection in the spring and invited to join PTK. Those applying to join PTK are accepted into membership at a special induction ceremony. Students who join will receive a notation of membership on their college transcript upon graduation.

Scholar of Global Distinction Award

Students who apply to the program and complete each of the following will be eligible to receive the Scholar of Global Distinction Award, which will be documented on their transcript.

  1. Globally Intensive Courses: Students will complete 15 credits in courses approved as having globally intensive content.
  2. International Activities: Students will participate in a total of 8 international “Passport” events
  3. Global Experience: Students will participate and provide appropriate documentation in 30 hours of global experience. Students may meet the requirement through travel abroad or domestic intercultural experience/service.
  4. Capstone presentation or e-portfolio: Students will reflect on their experiences as Global Scholars

A Global Scholars Liaison will assist students in meeting the requirements. Globally intensive courses will be listed on the Davidson-Davie International Education web page on the College’s website.

Undergraduate Research Scholar

Students who complete each of the following will be eligible to receive the Undergraduate Research Scholar Distinction Honor, which will be documented on their transcript.

  1. Faculty Supervisor: A full-time DDCC faculty member must agree to oversee any research project.  Students must meet criteria set forth by supervising faculty member agreeing to supervise project.
  2. Research Activities: Students will participate in a research intensive project. Students will participate in a minimum of 30 hours per 16-week semester.
  3. Research Experience Presentation/Communication. Students must complete one of the two options below:
    1. Students will present the results of research projects. This requirement can be fulfilled by presentation of results at professional scientific society meetings or symposia.
    2. Students will submit results of research project to a peer-reviewed journal for publication.

Readmission to Health Science Programs

Re-entry into a Health Science program is contingent upon space being available in the class, lab, or clinical component of the program and faculty resources. Qualified applicants re-enter with appropriate placement as determined by the applicant’s prior academic record and/or curriculum changes. Readmission to a program is determined by the program director and/or the dean responsible for the program, is limited to one time, and must be initiated with a letter from the student requesting program reinstatement.

  • Associate Degree Nursing
  • Cosmetology
  • Dental Assisting
  • Esthetics Technology
  • Emergency Medical Science
  • Health Information Technology
  • Human Services Technology
  • Medical Assisting
  • Medical Laboratory Technology
  • Nurse Aide (Career & College Promise)
  • Pharmacy Technology
  • Practical Nurse Education
  • Surgical Technology
  • Therapeutic Massage

Change of Major/Program of Study

If a student decides to change their program of study, the student should discuss the program change with their academic advisor. The intent is to ensure well-informed decision-making and an awareness of how program changes may affect the student’s enrollment.

When a student changes programs, the program grade point average (GPA) will be recomputed at the time of graduation to reflect only those specific courses applicable to the new program.

Multiple Majors Policy

Once a student has chosen a major, they will be assigned to every program of study (credential) that falls within that major. A student who wishes to pursue programs of study with different majors must seek approval from their academic advisor. A student will have only one primary major even though they may have multiple majors. During a term, the student’s academic advisor will require the student to take all courses possible in the primary major before allowing registration in courses in other majors. Appeals of the academic advisor’s decision must be made in writing to the Academic Administrator associated with the student’s primary major.

College Placement


Students entering a NC Community College who have graduated high school within the last 10 years will be placed by unweighted high school GPA into one of three opportunities. Students with a GPA 2.8+ may register for any class without mandatory additional supports.  Students with a GPA 2.2-2.799 may enroll in a gateway math or English course with a mandatory co-requisite.  Students with a GPA < 2.2 must enroll in a one semester transition math and/or English course.  Students entering a NC Community College who have graduated high school more than 10 years ago may need to take the college’s placement assessment assuming other placement measures cannot be used.


The following tenets should guide our development decisions:

  • Improve success rates in gateway level math and English classes
  • Place more students in gateway level math and English with mandated co-requisite support
  • Provide one semester (or less) of developmental education to students entering the community college system with an unweighted high school GPA below 2.2 and more than two points below the ACT benchmarks
  • Provide student success skills, growth mindset activities, and soft skills in co-requisite and transition courses
  • Provide co-requisite courses that are aligned specifically with a student’s gateway level math and English courses
  • Strive to ensure we are able to effectively collect data and assess the efficacy of placement practices
  • Eliminate placement testing, except for students more than 10 years out of high school and in other rare cases