At Davidson-Davie Community College, we understand that going to College and doing well is your job, and supporting your success is our job. That’s why we offer a number of services and amenities to ensure that you get the support you need when you need it.
The college offers a comprehensive program of student services designed to meet the needs of part-time and full-time students. In an effort to facilitate total student development, Student Affairs staff provide students with learning opportunities to meet their intellectual, academic, personal, social, cultural, and physical needs; help with making realistic career choices; help in developing a greater sense of self-worth, self-confidence, and responsibility for their own behavior; assist with becoming more open, honest, and trusting in their relationships with others; and assist with developing the life skills necessary to live productive and fulfilled lives.
Academic Advising
At Davidson-Davie Community College, academic advising is an ongoing, intentional partnership focused on supporting students’ academic success. The goal is to offer an advising experience that helps students achieve their academic and career objectives while fostering a deeper understanding of the connection between education, self-reliance, and lifelong learning. Academic advisors will: 1) help students clarify their academic goals, 2) provide accurate information about programs, course options, and prerequisites, 3) refer students to relevant campus resources, and 4) collaborate with students to create an educational plan that guides them toward completing their goals.
Advisors offer guidance and support, working closely with academic departments and support services to enhance diverse educational experiences that promote student success and responsible citizenship. They are well-versed in the College’s academic programs, policies, and procedures, as well as information about four-year institutions. Advisors can assist with details on application deadlines, programs of study, campus visits, financial aid, and more. Students interested in transferring to a four-year institution are encouraged to explore transfer options with their advisor.
Academic Advising is located in the B. E. Mendenhall Jr. Building on the Davidson Campus, and the Advisement Center on the Davie Campus is in the Administration Building.
Accessibility, Counseling, & Health Services
- Accessibility Services - Davidson-Davie Community College realizes that students with a disability or medical condition may need services and/or accommodations to participate in the academic programs at Davidson-Davie. If a student with a disability wishes to receive an accommodation, it is the responsibility of the student to disclose their disability to the Office of Accessibility Services and request an accommodation by completing the Accessibility Services Request Form. Students may elect to disclose a disability at any time, but we encourage students to contact the Office of Accessibility Services as soon as possible to ensure timely and appropriate accommodations. The Office of Accessibility Services provides support services in curriculum, continuing education and pre-college courses.
- Counseling Services - Davidson-Davie Community College provides free, confidential services to all currently enrolled students for each campus. A part-time counselor, provided in coordination with the Family Services of Davidson County, and a full-time counselor employed by the College, provide confidential counseling to support student development and assist students with their mental health needs. Both licensed mental health counselors are available on campus and can arrange referrals for services off campus as needed. Faculty and staff members may consult with the campus counselors and refer students for counseling services. Students often seek counseling to address a variety of life issues including, but not limited to:
- Adjusting to college
- Stress
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Relationship concerns
- Self-Esteem
- Traumatic experiences
- Suicidal thoughts
- Substance use
- Identity concerns
- Difficulty making friends
- Health Services - Davidson-Davie Community College is excited to offer TimelyCare - a new telehealth program for students. The service will provide access to 24/7 medical and mental virtual health care from anywhere in the United States, with no cost to visit! Whether you’re under the weather, anxious or overwhelmed, you will be able to talk to a licensed provider from your smartphone or any web-enabled device. Licensed providers are available to offer medical and mental health support via phone or secure video visits. Students can go to to register with their name and school email address. Students can then have visits from any web-enabled device - smartphone, laptop, or desktop.
Davidson-Davie Community College offers intercollegiate athletic programs in Women’s Volleyball and Men’s Basketball. Each program provides comprehensive and well-rounded athletic and academic experiences. The College is a member of the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA). Our teams compete in Division II, Region 10. Division II teams can offer partial athletic scholarships including books, tuition and fees. In accordance with Davidson-Davie’s open door admissions policy, students admitted to the College who participate in intercollegiate athletics must meet all admissions criteria stated in the College General Catalog/Student Handbook.
A College Bookstore is provided on campus as a service to the student body, faculty, and staff. Textbooks, school supplies, and other course-related materials are available. The Bookstore also provides opportunities for students to sell and buy used books. The bookstore is located in the J. Bryan Brooks Student Center and the hours of operation are posted on the Davidson-Davie website.
Career Development
The Career Development Office at Davidson-Davie provides support to current students and alumni in their employment pursuits. Career Counselors offer a range of services, including career exploration, assessments, counseling, resume assistance, interview preparation, and help with finding part-time and full-time employment, as well as on- and off-campus work-study opportunities. Our resources are designed to help students make informed decisions about their education and career paths. Services are available in-person, by phone, or virtually. We encourage all currently enrolled students and alumni to schedule an appointment with a Career Counselor.
Campus Safety
Davidson-Davie Community College is committed to providing the best possible education for students and a good working environment for employees. In striving to achieve this goal, it is important to assure the physical and emotional safety for students, faculty, and staff. College employees and students are responsible for taking safety seriously, preventing and/or reporting any unsafe conditions, and continuously practicing safety while performing any work or using any college facilities. Members of the campus community are encouraged to immediately report safety concerns of any kind to the following individuals:
- Campus Resource Officers, Davidson and Davie Campuses
- Security Personnel, Davidson and Davie Campuses
- Vice President, Student Affairs
- Sr. Director of Student Belonging & Wellness
- Director, Human Resources
- Any supervisor of an academic program or campus service
Confidential crime reports may be made to the Davidson and Davie Campus Resource Officers.
- Security Personnel
- Vice President, Student Affairs - The VP of Student Affairs in collaboration with Campus Resource Officers, prepares the annual disclosure of crime statistics for the College. The VP also co-leads the Davidson-Davie Behavioral Intervention Team with the Sr. Director of Student Belonging & Well-Being.
- Sr. Director of Student Belonging & Wellness - The Sr. Director is responsible for student conduct resolution, Title IX Coordination and co-leading the Davidson-Davie Behavioral Intervention Team.
- Campus Resource Officers - One Davidson County sheriff’s deputy serves as a Campus Resource Officer (CRO) on the Davidson Campus and a Davie County sheriff’s deputy serves as a CRO for the Davie Campus. Resource Officers are sheriff’s department employees authorized to carry weapons and make arrests. Resource Officers can provide information about registered sex offenders
- Security Officers - assist with building security and administering campus safety plans.
- Facilities: Video cameras are installed in select buildings and exterior locations to assist security personnel with identifying unsafe situations and mitigating property loss.
- Notification Systems
- Calls to 911 Emergency are automatically routed to Davidson and Davie county first responders, and the campus phone extension and building location are automatically identified in the call.
- Mass notification system and a text, email, and phone notification system serve to quickly disseminate emergency messages across campus.
- College’s website provides emergency messaging to the community.
- Emergency Notifications - In the event of an emergency that may affect the safety of individuals, property or the continuity of college operations, the campus community will be notified in a timely manner through the following means, in the order listed:
- An alert will be disseminated to the campus via an all-building audio mass-notification system. A phone message will also disseminate through this system to all campus phones.
- An email, voice message, and text alert will be disseminated to the campus community via Blackboard Connect, a second mass notification system used by the College.
- Emergency messaging will be displayed on desktop and mobile device versions of the College’s website. Messaging will appear on every page of the website.
- Behavior Intervention Team (BIT) - The Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) is a multidisciplinary proactive campus behavioral intervention team committed to maintaining the overall safety of the campus community. BIT is designed to provide a method for communication, assessment, early intervention and management of behaviors exhibited by individuals of the College community that could pose a threat to the health, safety and well-being of the campus community. This process provides the College community with a tool and conduit with which to alert campus officials of concerns about a student’s behavior.
- Purpose - The BIT serves as a centralized coordinating body focused on addressing the needs of students who are experiencing significant behavioral disturbances or have engaged in harmful or disruptive behaviors.
- BIT Members - The BIT is composed of representatives from critical areas of the campus community and includes:
- VP, Student Affairs
- SR. Director of Student Belonging & Wellness
- Faculty Representative (3)
- Academic Leadership Representative
- Director, Student Life and Leadership
- Campus Student Resource Officers
- Director, HS Partnerships
- Coordinator, Davie HS Partnerships
- Student Affairs - Student Support Specialist - Serves as record keeper
In addition, the Team may call upon others, as needed, to share unique perspectives of the individual in crisis.
- Disclosure - Twice per year, the College’s safety and emergency response procedures and crime statistics are disseminated to students, faculty and staff via email. Campus Resource Officers on the Davidson and Davie Campuses keep records of crime statistics and make these records available to the public upon request.
Child Development Center
The Child Development Center (CDC) provides a hands-on laboratory site for students enrolled in the Early Childhood Education degree program by offering exemplary care and education for pre-school children. The center offers students of the College opportunities to learn about the development and education of children by observing and interacting with young children under the supervision of qualified teachers and staff. In addition, the center serves as a collaborative partner with local childcare providers and community agencies committed to enhancing the quality of care and education for young children. The CDC enrolls children from infancy through five years of age and operates with a five-star license. The five-star rating is the highest granted by the N.C. Division of Child Development, which regulates licensed early care and education facilities in the state.
Completion Coaching
Completion Coaches assist students with navigating through their challenges at Davidson-Davie. The one-on-one coaching sessions are designed to educate students about college-wide resources and develop personal plans to address each student’s particular needs. Completion Coaches are assigned to various cohorts of students.
Davie Campus Services
The College provides access to student services at the Davie Campus in Mocksville. Students may request assistance by contacting Davie Campus personnel.
Enrollment Services (Financial Aid & Recruitment & Admissions)
The Enrollment Center is located on the first floor of the B.E. Mendenhall Jr. Building. The Center represents Davidson-Davie Community College’s commitment to student success and credential completion. Several important offices that offer significant support for students are located within or close by the Enrollment Center. The College has sought to integrate and conveniently locate services for efficiency and ease of student access.
First Aid
The College location is such that the campuses are easily accessible to the hospitals of Thomasville, Lexington, and Davie County. Public ambulances are available on a 24-hour schedule. First-aid supplies are also available to students in all shops and laboratories, in the Enrollment Center located in the B. E. Mendenhall Jr. Building and at the campus receptionist area on the Davie Campus. In the event of an accident or medical emergency at any Davidson-Davie campus location, call 911.
Food Services
Food service is available in the Storm Cellar in the J. Bryan Brooks Student Center on the Davidson Campus. Vending machines with snacks, beverages, confections, etc., are available in most buildings on both campuses.
Fitness Center
The Fitness Center on the Davidson Campus is a workout facility and provides faculty, staff, students, and alumni the opportunity to stay fit and healthy. The equipment includes Cybex pin-select weight training machines, treadmills, elliptical trainers, stationary and spin cycles, and a full free weight training area. Staff are available to assist anyone in meeting their fitness goals. Group exercise classes are also offered free of charge to all students and staff throughout the week. The Davie Fitness Center is located in the Health and Technology Building. The equipment includes new Cybex pin-select weight training machines, treadmills, elliptical trainers, stair climbers, stationary and spin cycles, and a full free weight training area.
Legacy, Men of Color Program
The Legacy, Men of Color Program is designed to connect men of color students to campus resources, enhance their academic and personal experiences, help navigate roadblocks, and provide additional support as needed. Through the use of monthly meetings, mentor relationships, and self-evaluation the program guides its participants toward achieving the highest levels of academic, professional, and personal development. In addition to providing services to students, this program also provides professional development to faculty and staff, conducts classroom presentations, and partners with various departments to better serve our minority male population.
Service Learning
Davidson-Davie Community College is committed to providing students with meaningful experiences, leadership development, and a sense of civic responsibility through structured curricular and co-curricular activities. Faculty will provide students with organized activities that address community needs while strengthening their academic skills. Students then reflect on their service and how it relates to their course objectives. Service projects, sponsored by Student Affairs, allow students to participate in service activities and reflections without having to be affiliated with a specific course.
Storm Campus Connections
Storm Campus Connections is an opportunity for students to get connected to college and community resources and provides:
- free tax preparation, financial and legal counseling services
- access to support programs such as food stamps, childcare, Medicaid, and
- referrals to community resources for emergency housing, utility assistance, and medication assistance.
Storm Campus Connections is located on the second Floor of the Grady Edward Love Learning Resource Center on the Davidson Campus and can be reached by email at
Student Accountability
Davidson-Davie Community College makes every effort to maintain a safe and orderly educational environment for students and staff. Therefore, when, in the judgment of College officials, a student’s conduct disrupts or threatens to disrupt the College community, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken to restore and protect the sanctity of the community. Students are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with generally accepted standards of scholarship and morality. The purpose of these standards is not to restrict student rights but to protect the rights of individuals in their academic pursuits
Student Life & Leadership
Student Life and Leadership provides co-curricular opportunities for out-of-classroom learning through student leadership development, self-exploration, and social interaction. Student Life focuses primarily on four key areas: leadership development, student governance, event programming, and student organizations. Student Life facilitates major campus-wide events including cultural and educational programs.
- Student Government Association (SGA) - The Student Government Association (SGA) mission is to serve as the voice of the student body by promoting campus involvement, fostering leadership development, and overseeing and assisting in the development of student organizations, and by acting as a liaison between student and the campus administration. All students, full-time or part-time, are a part of the Student Government Association and can attend SGA Council meetings and participate in all activities sponsored by the SGA. The Student Government Association Office is located in the Student Lounge.
- Ambassadors - The Student Ambassador Program recruits qualified students to represent Davidson-Davie Community College in a number of initiatives, serving as role models and mentors to all students. This group of trained student representatives provides the campus with an additional resource of student leaders to assist new and current students in the admissions/registration process, represent the College in outreach efforts, assist in campus wide events and promote the image of Davidson-Davie.
- Student Lounge - The Student Lounge, located in the J. Bryan Brooks Student Center, is a community space available for students to unwind and socialize, watch TV, play foosball, air-hockey, video and board games or just relax between classes.
TRIO, Student Support Services
Student Support Services, TRIO Program is funded through a grant from the U. S. Department of Education for students who are first generation college students, low income eligible and/or have a documented disability. The program provides opportunities for academic improvement and mastery of basic college skills, as well as activities that motivate and propel students toward a successful completion of their post-secondary education. Student Support Services, TRIO offers academic monitoring, co-advisement, career and personal counseling, tutoring, study skills, and educational/cultural enrichment experiences. It seeks to increase college retention and the graduation rates of its participants as well as to encourage transfer to a four-year institution. For more information, contact the Student Support Services, TRIO Office, located on the second floor of the Grady Edward Love Learning Resource Center.
Specific program services include:
- Academic, career, and personal counseling
- Supplemental financial assistance for eligible students
- College transfer advisement and assistance
- Individual tutorial services
- Monitoring of classroom progress
- Workshops for academic career, and personal success
- Financial literacy information and workshops
- Assistance with completing the FAFSA and college applications
- Space for homework and tutoring
- Opportunities to visit colleges and participate in cultural activities